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Call for PapersDownload : TXT The new multimedia standards (for example, MPEG-21) facilitate the seamless integration of multiple modalities into interoperable multimedia frameworks, transforming the way people work and interact with multimedia data. These key technologies and multimedia solutions interact and collaborate with each other in increasingly effective ways, contributing to the multimedia revolution and having a significant impact across a wide spectrum of consumer, business, healthcare, education, and governmental domains. This conference provides an opportunity for academic and industry professionals to discuss recent progress in the area of multimedia and ubiquitous environment including models and systems, new directions, novel applications associated with the utilization and acceptance of ubiquitous computing devices and systems. The goals of this conference are to provide a complete coverage of the areas outlined and to bring together the researchers from academic and industry as well as practitioners to share ideas, challenges, and solutions relating to the multifaceted aspects of this field. MUE-15 is the next event in a series of highly successful the International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, MUE-14(Zhangjiajie, China, May 2014), MUE-13 (Seoul, Korea, May 2013), MUE-12 (Madrid, Spain, July 2012), MUE-11 (Loutraki, Greece, June 2011), MUE-10 (Cebu, Philippines, August 2010), MUE-09 (Qingdao, China, June 2009), MUE-08 (Busan, Korea, April 2008), and MUE-07 (Seoul, Korea, April 2007). Organizing CommitteeHonorary ChairDoo-Soon Park, SoonChunHyang University, KoreaSteering ChairJames J. Park, SeoulTech, KoreaGeneral ChairsShu-Ching Chen, Florida International University, USAYoung-Sik Jeong, Dongguk University, Korea Han-Chieh,Chao National Ilan University, Taiwan General Vice-ChairsWeijia Jia, City U. of Hong Kong, Hong KongHwa-Young Jeong, Kyung Hee University, Korea Program ChairsGangman Yi, Gangneung-Wonju National University, KoreaChengcui Zhang, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA Workshop ChairsNamje Park, Jeju National University, KoreaXu Shuo, ISTIC, China International Advisiory CommitteeBorko Furht, Florida Atlantic University, USAThomas Plagemann, University of Oslo, Norway Roger Zimmermann, National University of Singapore, Singapore Hamid R. Arabnia, The University of Georgia, USA Stephan Olariu, Old Dominion University, USA Albert Zomaya, University of Sydney, Australia Yi Pan, Georgia State University USA Koji Nakano, University of Hiroshima, Japan Publicity ChairsCheonshik Kim, Anyang University, Korea (Leading Chair)Mohamed Gaber, University of Portsmouth, UK Ryan Leong Hou U, Universidade De Macau, China Chengjiu Yin, Kyushu University, Japan Jian-Lian Chen, Aletheia University, Taiwan Junbo Wang, University of Aizu, Japan Nan-Chen Hsieh, National Taipei University and Health Sciences, Taiwan Program CommitteeSee http://www.mue-conference.org/2015/pc.phpWe are inviting new and unpublished papers on, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Audio, Image, Video Processing, Coding and Compression - Computer Graphics and Simulation - Image and Signal Processing - Multimedia Information Retrieval - Multimedia Indexing - Multimedia network transmission/streaming - Multimedia Standards and Related Issues - Multimedia Databases, Content Delivery and Transport - Current Challenges in Multimedia - 3D Video, Recording, Storage, Compression, Transcoding - Cooperative Driving and Associated Automotive Technologies - Advances and Challenges in HD Device Interconnects - Green-Home Consumer Electronics Technologies - Gesture and Expression Recognition - Smart Grid - Power Line Communication - Robot control, Mobile robotics - Consumer Electronics (CE) device platform - CE operating system - CE device driver/firmware - Context-Aware Ubiquitous Computing - Physical model of UI & SW - Ubiquitous database methodologies - Embedded systems and softwares - Human-Computer Interaction - Human centric computing - High-performance computing and simulation and modeling - Wearable, Personal and Body Area Systems - Context modeling and reasoning - Adaptive and context-aware computing - Smart object - Multimodal sensing - Intelligent platforms - Internet of Things - Parallel/Distributed system - Grid and cloud computing - Novel Machine Architectures - Peer to Peer Network - Machine-to-Machine Communications - Mobile system performance - Wireless communications - Wirless Sensor Network - Wireless Body Area Network - Internet access and mobility - Trustworthy Internet and communications - Mobile data management and processing - Cross-Layer Design and Optimization - Algorithms and protocols for cognitive wireless networks - Ad hoc and sensor network - Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks and Vehicular Technology - WiMax / Wi-Fi, UWB, Bluetooth Technology - Mobility Management - Smartphone and mobile devices - Social networks and computing - Pattern and Speech Recognition - Fuzzy logic and soft computing - Neural networks and applications - Expert systems - Decision support systems - Automated problem solving - Semantic Web and Knowledge Grid - Knowledge discovery and representation - Knowledge acquisition - Intelligent web-based business - Intelligent agents and user interface - Intelligent information fusion - Authorization and Access Control - Privacy and Trust Management - Sensor Networks and RFID Security - Security in Ubiquitous Databases - Multimedia Information Security - Intellectual Property & Licensing - Digital Right Management - CAS/STB Security - Digital Forensics - Watermarking - Security in Commerce and Industry - Multimedia in Telemedicine - Multimedia Embedded Systems - Multimedia standards - Mobile Multimedia system and services - U-City and U-Town - Smart highway - Smart work - Intelligent Transport Systems - Location Based System - Telematics - Virtual Reality and Game Technology - Mobile Gaming and entertainment - Location Based Services - Ambient Intelligence - Smart Home/building/spaces - Green IT services - Semantic Web and Grid Services - Smart-Camera and Multi-View Systems - Surveillance System - Entertainment Industry for MUE - Ubiquitous Database Methodologies - U/E Healthcare services - U/E-Commerce and Education - QoS and Security Support for Entertainment - 3D TV for Entertainment - Computer Animation - Technology for Entertainment - Agent-based Entertainment - Interactive Television and Theatre - Massive Multiplayer Games - Mobile and Wireless Entertainment - Digital Interactive Storytelling - Pervasive Entertainment - Personalized and User-Adapted Television - Sport, News and Entertainment - Wearable Entertainment - Wireless and Mobile Gaming - Digital Entertainment and Sports - Digital Entertainment and Pleasure - Games for Special Audiences - Human Computation Games Important DateRound II Paper Submission Due: March 30, 2015 (Final extension!!) Accept Notification: April 7, 2015 Camera-ready paper Due: April 15, 2015 Registration Due: April 15, 2015 Round I (Closed) Paper Submission Due: Feb. 15, 2015 (Closed) Accept Notification: Feb. 22, 2015 Camera-ready paper Due: Mar. 1, 2015 Registration Due: Mar. 1, 2015 Conference/Workshop Dates: May 18-20, 2015 Submission and PublicationImportant Notice
There will be a combination of presentations including scientific papers. Prospective authors are invited, in the first instance, to submit papers for oral presentations in any of the areas of interest for this conference. Authors should submit a paper based on page limitation including all figures, tables, and references. If you want to submit more than page limitation, you can add up to 2 extra pages with the appropriate fee payment. All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published by Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) - Springer (indexed by EI and SCOPUS). Authors should submit a paper with 5~6 pages in length, including all figures, tables, and references. If you want to submit more than page limitation, you can add up to 2 extra pages (total MAX. 8 pages) with the extra page charges (100 USD per page). Papers exceeding the page limits will be rejected without review. Instructions for papers in the Springer's LNEE(Note that the paper format of LNEE is the same as that of LNCS Prepare your paper in the exact format as the sample paper for LNEE. Failure to do so may result in the exclusion of your paper from the proceedings. Please read the authors' instructions carefully before preparing your papers. Springer accepts both Microsoft Word and LaTex format in the Lecture Note Series. However, we DO NOT accept the use of LaTex. Therefore, you should use the Microsoft Word instead of using LaTex (The paper will be excluded from the proceeding if you use LaTex). Springer provides the relevant templates and sample files for both PC (sv-lncs.dot) and Mac (sv-lncs) environments. Please download word.zip If you need more help on preparing your papers, please visit Springer's LNCS web page (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-2-72376-0). ** You can download the sample from here ** All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings as one of Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) series published by Springer (indexed by EI & SCOPUS). Distinguished accepted and presented papers in MUE 2015, after further revisions, will be published in the special issues of the following international journals(Pending):
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() **This is the current index status of the journal. However, the journal index may be changed due to several reasons. In the case, we are not responsible for it** **The recommended authors MUST strongly keep the recommendation guideline for the submission. When authors recommend potential reviewers for their paper, the recommended person' s country must be different. Submission system: http://www.confmanager.net/mue2015 ContactIf you have any questions about the CFPs and papers submission, please email to Prof. Gangman Yi (yi.gangman@gmail.com) / Prof. Neil Yen (neil219@gmail.com) or WITRG Secretary (witrg.taiwan.sec@gmail.com). |