The 12th International Conference on
Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
April 23-25, 2018, Salerno, Italy
Published by Springer (indexed by EI & SCOPUS)

- [Mar. 30, 2018] The program book will be updated on 5th April reflecting the revised authors and titles of the camera-ready versions.
- [Mar. 28, 2018] The following round 2 papers are not yet registered : paper id 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 16, 17, 21
- [Mar. 16, 2018] The reveiws of all accepted papers are sent. If you don't receive any reviews, please contact us.
- [Mar. 16, 2018] The following round 2 papers are not yet registered : paper id 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 17, 21
- [Mar. 02, 2018] We still open our submission system until 23th March. If you want to submit your paper, please submit your paper by our confmanager system ( and by e-mail to We will give your reviews. You need to register your paper until 28th March.
- [Mar. 02, 2018] The pepers of no shows will not be recommended for SCOPUS, SCI/E.
- [Jan. 23, 2018] Each review comment will be sent after the registration confirmation of the corresponding paper.
- [Jan. 23, 2018] The review comments of all registered reviews are sent to corresponding authors. If you do not receive your review comments, please contact to
- [Jan. 9, 2018] The registration deadline of Round 1 is changed to Jan 19, 2018, and the camera ready due of Round 1 is changed to Jan 26, 2018.
- [Jan. 7, 2018] All notifications are sent. If you do not receive any mails, please contact to
- [Dec. 18, 2017] Round I is changed to Post-proceeding.
The new multimedia solutions and ubiquitous computing environments facilitate the seamless integration of diverse kinds of intelligent devices based on multiple modalities into interoperable multimedia frameworks. These key technologies of multimedia solutions and ubiquitous computing environments interact and collaborate with each other in increasingly effective ways across a wide spectrum of consumer, business, healthcare, education, and governmental domains.
This conference provides an opportunity for academic and industry professionals to discuss recent progress in the area of multimedia and ubiquitous environment including models and systems, new directions, novel applications associated with the utilization and acceptance of ubiquitous computing devices and systems.
MUE2018 is the next event in a series of highly successful the International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, MUE2017(Seoul, Korea, May 2017), MUE2016(Beijing, China, April 2016), MUE2015(Hanoi, Vietnam, May 2015), MUE2014(Zhangjiajie, China, May 2014), MUE2013(Seoul, Korea, May 2013),MUE2012(Madrid, Spain, July 2012), MUE2011(Loutraki, Greece, June 2011), MUE2010(Cebu, Philippines, August 2010), MUE2009(Qingdao, China, June 2009), MUE2008(Busan, Korea, April 2008), and MUE2007(Seoul, Korea, April 2007).
We are inviting new and unpublished papers on, but not limited to, the following topics: 1. Multimedia Modeling and Processing
- Media Representation and Algorithms
- Audio, Image, Video Processing, Coding and Compression
- Computer Graphics and Simulation
- Image and Signal Processing
- Multimedia Information Retrieval
- Multimedia Indexing
- Multimedia Network Transmission/Streaming
- Multimedia Standards and Related Issues
- Multimedia Databases, Content Delivery and Transport
- Current Challenges in Multimedia
- Multimedia Tools
- Home Entertainment Devices
- 3D Video, Recording, Storage, Compression, Transcoding
- Cooperative Driving and Associated Automotive Technologies
- Advances and Challenges in HD Device Interconnects
- Green-Home Consumer Electronics Technologies
- Gesture and Expression Recognition
- Smart Grid
- Power Line Communication
- Robot/Drone Control, Mobile Robotics/Drones
- Consumer Electronics (CE) device platform
- CE operating system
- CE device driver/firmware
- Ubiquitous Computing and Technology
- Context-Aware Ubiquitous Computing
- Physical Model of UI & SW
- Ubiquitous Database Methodologies
- Embedded Systems and Softwares
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Human Centric Computing
- High-performance Computing and Simulation and Modeling
- Wearable, Personal and Body Area Systems
- Context Modeling and Reasoning
- Adaptive and Context-Aware Computing
- Smart Object
- Multimodal Sensing
- Intelligent Platforms
- Internet of Things
- Parallel/Distributed System
- Grid and Cloud Computing
- Novel Machine Architectures
- Tiny Operating systems and Middleware Supports
- Peer to Peer Network
- Machine-to-Machine Communications
- Mobile System Performance
- Wireless Communications
- Wirless Sensor Network
- Wireless Body Area Network
- Internet Access and Mobility
- Trustworthy Internet and Communications
- Mobile Data Management and Processing
- Cross-Layer Design and Optimization
- Algorithms and Protocols for Cognitive Wireless Networks
- Ad Hoc and Sensor Network
- Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks and Vehicular Technology
- WiMax/Wi-Fi, UWB, Bluetooth Technology
- Beacon Technology
- Mobility Management
- Smartphone and Mobile Devices
- Social Networks and Computing
- Artificial Intelligence
- Pattern and Speech Recognition
- Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing
- Neural Networks and Applications
- Expert Systems
- Reinforcement Learning
- Behavior Network
- Deep Learning
- Decision Support Systems
- Automated Problem Solving
- Semantic Web and Knowledge Grid
- Knowledge Discovery and Representation
- Knowledge Acquisition
- Intelligent Web-based Business
- Intelligent Agents and User Interface
- Intelligent Information Fusion
- Key Management and Authentication
- Authorization and Access Control
- Privacy and Trust Management
- Sensor Networks and RFID Security
- Security in Ubiquitous Databases
- Multimedia Information Security
- Intellectual Property & Licensing
- Digital Right Management
- CAS/STB Security
- Digital Forensics
- Watermarking
- Security in Commerce and Industry
- Multimedia RDBMS Platforms
- Multimedia in Telemedicine
- Multimedia Embedded Systems
- Multimedia Standards
- Mobile Multimedia System and Services
- U-City and U-Town
- Smart Highway
- Smart Work
- Intelligent Transport Systems
- Location Based System
- Telematics
- Virtual Reality and Game Technology
- Mobile Gaming and Entertainment
- Location Based Services
- Ambient Intelligence
- Smart Home/Building/Spaces
- Green IT Services
- Semantic Web and Grid Services
- Smart-Camera and Multi-View Systems
- Surveillance System
- Entertainment Industry for MUE
- Ubiquitous Database Methodologies
- U/E Healthcare Services
- U/E-Commerce and Education
- Music and Movie Distribution
- QoS and Security Support for Entertainment
- 3D TV for Entertainment
- Computer Animation
- Technology for Entertainment
- Agent-based Entertainment
- Interactive Television and Theatre
- Massive Multiplayer Games
- Mobile and Wireless Entertainment
- Digital Interactive Storytelling
- Pervasive Entertainment
- Personalized and User-Adapted Television
- Sport, News and Entertainment
- Wearable Entertainment
- Wireless and Mobile Gaming
- Digital Entertainment and Sports
- Digital Entertainment and Pleasure
- Games for Special Audiences
- Human Computation Games
- Multimedia User Interfacer